

1- Rruga “ Elbasanit” , prane Ambasades Amerikane

2- Rruga “ Abdyl Frasheri”, pranë Librit Universitar

3- Rruga “ Xhorxh Bush”, pranë Parlamentit


Tel:  +35542220000   /    +355682056600

Tel:  +355682099938 /   +355682099939

Tel:  +355696041000    ( Katering )

  • Rruga “ Elbasanit” , prane Ambasades Amerikane

          E Hene - E Enjte 07:00 - 04:00 , E Premte – E Shtune Non stop , E Diele 07:00 - 04:00  

  • Rruga “ Abdyl Frasheri”, prane Librit Universitar

          E Hene - E Diele  Non Stop

  • Rruga “ Xhorxh Bush”, prane Parlamentit

          E Hene - E Diele  07:00 - 01:00


0 vende aktive


Aktiviteti Im ka filluar ne 15 mars 1998, me nje subject ne qender te Qytetit Studenti I quajtur

“ Enjoy you Food”I perqendruar kryesisht ne sektorin e Fast Food dhe Picerise.

Duke pare kerkesat e tregut ne 16 dhejtor te vitit 2000 hapim subjektin e dyte me adrese rruga “ Abdyl Frasheri” Nr 16, dhe ketu dolem me subjektin “ Big Bite” qe ushtronte aktivitetin kryesisht ne fushen e Fast Food , Picerise dhe Restorantit. Pasi pame qe kerkesa shtohej ne kete qytet morem vendimin per te dale me subjektin e dyte dhe te trete Big Bite ne rrugen e Elbasanit prane Ambasades Amerikane, ne prill te vitit 2004, dhe ky u be subjekti I trete I Big Bite. Pra sic e theksova dhe me siper subjekti ne Qytet Student “ Enjoy your Food” transferohet ne Big Bite, I dyti prane Librit Universitar dhe I treti te Ambasada Amerikane.

Vazhdimisht vinim re se kerkesat shtoheshin akoma dhe me shume per subjektin Big Bite.

Tashme ishim bere nje staf prej 70 punonjesish.

Ne qershor te vitit 2009 une si Administrator dhe Pronar I vetem marr vendimin per te zgjeruar kete rrjet dhe per te hapur piken e katert ne qender te Tiranes me adrese rruga “ Xhorxh Bush”. Ecuria jone ishte shume e mire dhe me hapa shume te shpejta, gjithashtu duke pasur klientelen dhe besueshmerine qe kishte klienti te ne.

Dhe keshtu me rritjen dhe fuqizimin e ketij biznesi kerkuam te shtonim dhe nje Administrate dhe nje Magazine Qendrore , dhe nje Punishte Kateringu qe merrej dhe me pregatitjen e produkteve gjysem te gateshme per pikat tona.

Duke bere nje studim te tregut kemi vene re se hapsirat jane shume te medha per zgjerimin e ketij biznesi ne Rajon dhe ne Ballkan.

Sot kemi nje staf prej 100 punonjesish.

Suksesi jone eshte te produktet tona cilesore, me vlera kalorike ne te cilat ne Fast Food shquhet:

  • Pita Pita
  • New Pita Club
  • Greek Chicken
  • Greek Mak
  • Pita Shots etj.

Dhe kryesisht ne pjesen e kuzhines, vecantia e supave karakteristike vetem e jona dhe specialiteteve te cilat jane ekskluzivisht vetem tonat.

Produktet e reja qe ne planifikojme te nxjerrim shpejt jane pjese e Fast Food si:

  • Origjinaliteti I Hot Dog Amerikan
  • Filetiniot e Pules Amerikane ( Produkt bio ).

Dhe ne kuzhine kryesisht 2-3 nga specialitetet vendase por te sjella ne menyre te modernizuar europiane.

U mundova te bej nje permbledhje te shkurter te historikut te Kompanise “ B & B Food Service” me subjekte Big Bite tashme marke e regjistruar.

                                                                           Me respekt

                                                 Administratori I shoqërisë                              

                                                   “B&B Food Service”shpk                                    

                                                        ANDREA ZOGA





                                                               COMPANY HISTORY

My activity has started on 15 March 1998, first subject to a downtown student named

"You Enjoy Food" mainly focused on the fast food and pizza sector.

Seeing the market requirements 16 December 2000 opening of the second subject with street addresses "Abdyl Frasheri" Number 16, and here we went with the subject "Big Bite" exercise that activity mainly in the field of Fast Food, pizzeria and restaurant. Once we saw that demand increased in this city we took the decision to come to the second subject and the third Big Bite in Elbasani Street near the US Embassy, ​​in April 2004, and this became the Big Bite third party.

So as I mentioned above subject in Student City "Enjoy your Food" transfered to Big Bite, the second near University Book and the Third US Embassy.

Constantly we notice that the requirements were added and even more about Big Bite subject.

Now we become a staff of 70 employees.

In June 2009 I like the Administrator and the sole owner of the decision to expand this network and to open the fourth point in the center of the street address "George Bush". Our performance was very good and very quick steps, also having clientele and reliability that we had the client.

And so with the growth and strengthening of this business to add to and asked for an administration and a new warehouse and a workshop catering to deal with the preparation of semi finished products for our items.

By carrying out a market study we noticed that the spaces are too large for the expansion of this business in the region and the Balkans.

Today we have a staff of 100 employees.

Our success is our quality products, caloric value in which we distinguished Fast Food:

- Pita Pita

- New Pita Club

- Greek Chicken

- Greek Mak

- Pita Shots etc.

Mainly in the part of the kitchen, the uniqueness characteristic only of our soups and specialties that are exclusively ours.

The new products we plan to learn quickly are part of Fast Food as:

- Originality of American Hot Dog

- Filetiniot American Pulja (bio product).

And in the kitchen 2-3 mainly by local port specialties brought to modernize European order.

I tried to make a brief overview of the history of the company "B & B Food Service" with Big Bite entities already registered mark.

                                                   The company administrator

                                                   "B & B Food Service" Ltd

                                                         ANDREA ZOGA


  • - Fast Food
  • - Sallata
  • - Supa
  • - Pasta
  • - Spageti
  • - Penne
  • - Tortelini
  • - Tajateli
  • - Rizoto
  • - Specialitete
  • - Krepa
  • - Pica
  • - Freskuese
  • - Birra
  • - Verë


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